Convert and Modify - Catalog for HTML - Incorrect behavior?

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Victor Pierce
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Joined: Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:54 pm

Convert and Modify - Catalog for HTML - Incorrect behavior?

Post by Victor Pierce »

I create a Catalog for HTML from a folder of TIFF images, creating an images folder for the images. I specify that the images folder be populated by jpg and they are, but in catalog.html, the links to the files in the images folder specify tif suffixes to the files. Here is the step by step: In GC 7.2 (187) I open a browser to the folder of TIFFs. I click "Convert and Modify" icon. In the "Convert and Modify" window I select Function: "Catalog (HTML for WWW Usage)". The Destination Format is JPEG/JFIF though I don't think it's used for this situation. WWW ready is not checked. Use Batch is checked though the batch table is empty. I select all photos in the browser and click GO. In the resulting Catalog options window File tab for Image File Format I select "Always JPEG". and under the "HTML Basic" tab I select "Create images folder". I click "OK" and the catalog creation completes. Bug or ? Thank you. Victor Pierce
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