Zoom to Original Size: Not true to physical reality! Assistant to set correct screen resolution per each display

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Zoom to Original Size: Not true to physical reality! Assistant to set correct screen resolution per each display

Post by porg »

GraphicConverter Zoom - View at Original Size - Not true to physical reality.png
GraphicConverter Zoom - View at Original Size - Not true to physical reality.png (852.86 KiB) Viewed 40272 times

Mr. Lemke confirmed this bug:
• Since Macs come with Retina displays,
• and macOS also offering System Preferences > Displays > Resolution : "Default for Display" or "Scaled",
• the OS does not report the true metrics to GraphicConverter anymore,
• hence "Actual Size" is rarely the actual size.

System Preferences - Display - UI resolution can be default or scaled up or down.png
System Preferences - Display - UI resolution can be default or scaled up or down.png (171.31 KiB) Viewed 40272 times

Proposal: Offer an assistant which helps you to set the true resolution per each display (in your multi display setup).

General > Display Content > section "Editor Window"

👉 Eliminate "PPI of Monitor" here

General > Display Screens

👉 Section "Screen Information" gets rebuild as "Your Screens"

Code: Select all


If the result of "Zoom to Actual Size" is not true to reality on a display then select it and use "Set correct resolution".
E.g a physical sheet of A4 paper held onto your screen does not match in width with an A4 image on screen in "Actual Size".

Select screen(s) below to manage: [ Remove ] [ Set correct resolution ]

------------------------- ...
On | Screen Identifier | Device Size | Backing Size | Color Space | Resolution (Reported) | Resolution (Determined)
------------------------- ...
 √ | Main Screen       |  ...
 √ | External Screen 1 |  ...
   | External Screen 2 |  ...
 √ | External Screen 3 |  ...
------------------------- ...
• Action buttons are inactive when no screen is selected.
• On column shows which of the screens are currently connected.
• Selecting one or more screens and then [ Calibrate Resolution ] starts the assistant on that screen.

Code: Select all

• This assistant will help you that "Zoom to actual Size" works correctly on this screen.
• Please choose a physical object which you have available now and which is smaller than this display's width.

( ) A4 paper    ( ) US letter    ( ) 15cm on a ruler   ( ) 4 inch on a ruler

[ Continue ]

Code: Select all

• Align the left end of your physical reference object to the left side end of the screen reference line.
• Adjust the zoom until they match up. That is the right ends aligns too.

• Top screen area: Instructions
• Some whitespace
• Followed by Zoom control: Wide Scale (for maximum input precision) plus numeric input field (zoom percentage with decimal point for best precision)) + Calculated PPI : _____ (also an input field, with this you can round it to your liking too or compare against a value which you think it should be)
• Some whitespace
• Followed by reference line from left screen end horizontally until center (as a default staring point)

[ References match in size now ]

• Clicking that button closes the Full Screen Assistant and updates the value in the screen table.
• Maybe flash that row or give a success/toast message.
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