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Feature Request: Browser button bar area horizontal scrolling

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 9:15 am
by sonicpurity
Greetings, Something else briefly discussed by myself and Thorsten in private email is an issue a client of mine is having with GC, that i now think may possibly be more widespread. Client has a PM6500 running OS 9.1 and GC 5.6.1. Monitor maxxes out at 832 x 624, which is as high as the PM6500 can drive at 24 bit color depth. Problem is that in the GC browser window with the default buttons, the Go and Options... buttons for Batch processing are completely off his GC browser window to the right, even when he has the browser window as large as possible. Thorsten has already informed me that the current workaround is to set the browser toolbar preferences to delete some buttons until everything fits. That may turn out to be a hardship for my client, as there is only space for something like 4 buttons besides the Batch stuff. I was noticing that even on my 1280 x 1024 LCD screen, there is not a lot of room for additional buttons, and that even someone with a modern, big-resolution screen may have the Batch buttons pushed off the right edge if they like to have a lot of tool buttons and have added some. Feature Request: Is it possible to add horizontal scrolling to the toolbar pane of the browser window when the items are too big to all display in the current browser window size? That would seemingly solve the problem for everybody, and allow any sane number of buttons. Thank you for considering this request, and thanks as always for GC! ))Sonic((