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Curves: suggested features

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:02 am
by Burkhard Hoefling
Dear Thorsten, dear all, lately, I have been working with curves quite a bit, and would like to suggest a few features. 1) most importantly, I would like to be able to remove a point from a curve (maybe there is a way, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet - pressing the delete/backspace key or trying to drag it out of the curves area didn't work). 2) currently, the live preview only updates if I release the mouse button. It would be nice if the live preview also updated while I drag a point on the curve. (This would also make the first point less urgent - most of the time, I create unwanted new points after looking at the preview and trying to pick up the same point to make further adjustments). 3) It would be nice if one could move the "current" (last touched) point using the cursor keys to make finer adjustments. 4) It would be nice if the coordinates of the current point could be displayed as well. 5) it would be nice to have a histogram displayed in the background, as in the levels dialog. Or maybe some features are already "there", hidden in some preferences? Thanks, Burkhard.