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Windows are not visible on Yosemite

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:54 am
by bordervalley2000
Hi,I just joined the group, my name is Christine, have been suing GC since the early days in the 90's(?). Never had big problem with it. A few annoyances that got solved pretty quick but not as big of a problem as I have now.I'm running on my late 2012 iMac Yosemite 10.10.1 and GC 9.4 build1727.I have my mail app open, Chrome browser and want to use GC to browse my images that I have on my external for the making of digital memory books.I open GC and than nothing happens. I can see the app is open in the dock when I hold the mouse on the dock icon I can see the browser window in the place I told it to in the preferences(always start at /catalog but no browser window appears and neither can I activate the application by clicking on it. Id does not come to the foreground.I try to use the shortcut cmnd-tab to cycle through my open applications but when I land on GC nothing happens. The menubalk will show me GC but I can not use the menu balk neither is there a browser window.Another thing is that in the dock I can see, when click and hold on the icon, that there are other windows open with images I once selected to see up close but they never appeared. I had the opportunity 1 time after installing it, to browse with the browser. I had no other applications open. I selected an image I wanted to have a closer look at by double clicking and nothing happend. I could see under the window menu that there was a window with the name of the image. But when I selected that window nothing happend. It showed it was now at the foreground but invisible. I can also not get rid of them. I have now 7 windows with images and no way to close them(yes I used the close command) What I tried was uninstall GC, Install a fresh version. Did not do the trick. Downgrade to GC 8, did not solve anything. So now I'm at my wits end and don't know what to do and wonder if it can be a hardware problem.I use PSE 13 and Lightroom 5 with no problem at all.Funny thing is that I participated in the Yosemite seeds program and use GC that Thorsten send to me with no problems at all. But as soon as I installed the release version of Yosemite it started.Any insight and/or suggestions are more than welcome! 

Re: Windows are not visible on Yosemite

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:01 am
by thorstenlemke
Attachments :Hi,please try to use the GraphicConverter First Aid app to trash the prefs.Is there maybe a second screen connected which is turned off?Thorsten Hi,I just joined the group, my name is Christine, have been suing GC since the early days in the 90's(?). Never had big problem with it. A few annoyances that got solved pretty quick but not as big of a problem as I have now.

Re: Windows are not visible on Yosemite

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 8:24 am
by bordervalley2000
I was pretty sure I sent a reply yesterday but I see it nowhere. My apologies if you now see it twice!!I used the first aid tool. Removed the preferences. It worked! for a while and than all of a sudden it stopped again. I again used the tool to remove the prefs and also removed GC. I emptied the thrash and installed a fresh version.It has been working for 2 hours yesterday and than I had a crash again but this time I had the warning from my system that there was a graphics problem and the the GPU had crashed was going to try to restart.My husband, software architect, tells me it's probably a problem with my graphic card(AMD end 2012)What happens with GC is that I scroll through folders with images, often .png's and get the spinning beachball. if I wait a while it will disappear but often I have to do a force quit because GC stopped responding. It's annoying, I depend for a great deal on GC. I have no idea what is causing it. One thing is for sure, my windows are visible again.I guess an appointment with the genius guys lies in my future.--Christine

Re: Windows are not visible on Yosemite

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:03 pm
by thorstenlemke
Attachments :Dear Christine,I e-mailed a link to the debug version by personal e-mail.Please use that version and create a spin dump upon a hang and e-mail it:1. Open a Terminal window as follows:    Double click on the Terminal application located at:  /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app2. At the prompt, enter this command:    sudo spindump3. Enter the administrator password4. Wait for the process sampling to complete. You will see messages like the following:    hostname:~ myusername$ sudo spindump    Password: <yourpasswordhere>    Sampling all processes for 10 seconds with 10 milliseconds of run time between samples    Sampling completed, processing symbols...    Sample analysis written to file /tmp/spindump.txt5. Locate the file created at:   /tmp/spindump.txt6. Attach that file to an e-mail to lemke@lemkesoft.deBest wishesThorsten I was pretty sure I sent a reply yesterday but I see it nowhere. My apologies if you now see it twice!!

Re: Windows are not visible on Yosemite

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:16 am
by bordervalley2000
Thank you Thorsten, will do so!--Christine